Case: I Love Coalville
I Love Coalville is a citizen group that supports well-balanced and well-planned growth in the Coalville area. In spite of clearly expressed and nearly unanimous citizen opposition the Coalville City Council voted to approve a large-scale luxury community that would double the population of Coalville.
They reached out to me in an effort to provide accurate information, educate, and involve the citizens of Coalville on this important topic in the Community.
- Year:
- 2020
- Services:
- Logo Design
- Web Design
- Marketing Materials

Logo Design
The I Love Coalville citizens group needed a logo quickly designed so Coalville residence with similar views could put it in their windows to show their support of the group. It was important for the logo to also fit on all of the marketing materials that it would be applied to as well. A horizontal version of the logo was also created and implemented.

When the I Love Coalville group approached me about designing a website time was of the essence. They were in need of something professional, trustworthy, and quick. Not only did it need to be done quickly it also needed to within a budget. As a result the layout of this website was created from a template. This allowed us to have an awesome design without having to compromise on time.
The main objective of the I Love Coalville website was to inform the citizens of Coalville about the large scale development that was happening right in their back yard. The group supports controlled development and as a result filed a referendum to give the people a vote on the topic since they didn’t feel like public input was being heard by the City Council. Since that issue and topic has progressed I Love Coalville group has since used this website to continue to inform the public and bring the community closer together.
This website features a beautiful modern design with elements that create movement. With the objective of informing the public in mind this website features a blog that is used to add important articles about things happening within the community.
Marketing Material
In an effort for the citizens group to reach out to all citizens in Coalville they requested a mailer be designed. This mailer needed to provided uninformed citizens of the important issues going on and in courage them to attend an event to learn information and sign their potion.